Sunday, January 23, 2011

Class Written Paragraph Examples

Monday January 24th 2011

Spirited Away- How Chihiro Changed

        In the movie Spirited Away Chihiro changed over time. In the beginning she was not brave, for example she did not want to go through the gate with her parents. She also complained about the idea of moving to a new place. She also showed laziness in the car when she was moving by lying down and not looking at the beautiful scenery. By the end of the movie she was brave because she helped the bathhouse deal with the stink monster and saved Haku. After her experiences in the spirit world she was ready to face the challenges of moving and she told her parents that in the last scene. She showed she was no longer lazy by traveling to meet Yu babba’s sister. As you can see Chihiro changed a lot in the movie.
Period 7

Monday January 24th 2011
Spirited Away-
The Change of Chihiro

        When I watched the movie Spirited Away I noticed a big change in Chihiro. At the beginning of the movie Chihiro was lazy and not brave. For example when her parents went through the gate Chihiro was scared and didn’t want to go. Near the end of the movie Chihiro had changed and was more brave, helpful to others and willing to work hard. Both the scene when she washed the stink monster and when she traveled on the train to help Haku showed these changes. These are the changes I noticed in Chihiro. 
Period 6

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