Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Elective Vocabulary Study List

Margin:white space at top, bottom, left and right sides of page
Line spacing : the white space between each line of text
Indent: moving a line inward from the margin
Footnotes: sources that are cited on the bottom of page
Endnotes:  sources that are cited at the end of a report document
Health: A combination of physical, mental/emotional, and social well-being
Wellness: A state of well-being, or total health
Habit: A pattern of behavior that you follow almost without thinking
Environment: The sum of all your surroundings
Culture: The collected beliefs, customs, and behaviors
of a group
Peers: Friends and other people in your age group
Immigrate: to move and stay in a country that you were not born in
Emigrate: to leave the country you were born in
Criteria:a standard that you can base a judgment on
Evaluate: to determine what something is worth, is it good work or not?
Tone: the quality of your voice and how it expresses emotion

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