Wednesday, January 19, 2011

The Arrival

I see...
I remember...
I wonder....


  1. I see light shining on some people.
    I remember that this is like Benh Thanh Market.
    I wonder that how can the big men get here?

  2. I see tiny people running away and giants sucking those tiny people into trumpets.
    I remember the giants look like the BFG in the book BFG.
    I wonder why do the giants suck the tiny people into the trumpet and why do the giants have headlights on their head.

  3. I see little people escape from large people.
    I remember that I already saw that castle somewhere.
    I wonder who are those giant people.

  4. I see 4 big guys spraying something out of hoses,making the smaller humans run

    I remember the time when I saw an exterminator destroy an ant hill

    I wonder what are they spraying?

  5. Bill 6c I see some giant dangerous guy is using a big vacuum sucking all the poor little people in the giant tube.
    I remember when some people gets harm in a mortal world.
    I wonder why the giant evil guys wants to suck the people in the vacuum.

  6. I see big giants men holding a vacumn
    I remember that it's look like City Church
    i wonder who are the giants men

  7. I see aliens try to kill people.
    i remember that this is like Great Wall.
    I wonder that did people make aliens angry?

  8. I see little people running away.
    I remember a chruch that looks similar to those buildings.
    I wonder why the giants are sucking in the little people.

  9. I see people are running away.
    I remember that is like Big Ben.
    I wonder why alien are attacking the Big Ben.

    Han 6D

  10. Josh 6C
    I see big giants men holding a giants vacumn
    I remember it's look like the City Church
    I wonder who are those giants men

  11. i see the people escape from the giant people suck them.
    I remember when i watched Chicken Little , alien come and shot laze to find their son. Also when i was a kid and i use to dream about aliens come and eat me, that's why i can't sleep alone
    I wonder why the giant people come to there and who are they.

  12. I see a lot of tiny people went into the hold of the giant men.

    I remember that the castle in this picture look like the church in the center of the Ho Chi Minh city.

    I wonder that these giant men were alien with a big black hold in their hand.

  13. I see the big people are vacuumming the tiny people.
    I remember the castle just like the castle in England.
    I wonder who are those big people.

  14. *I see a lot of people running, and also some holding a giant horn.
    *I remember one time I read a a story about Maurice Rocket Richard is the best hockey player get suspended for the rest of the season everyone start the riot in the street and everyone runing around.
    *I wonder what that picture is about.

    Lisa 6D

  15. I see little human-flies being sucked up with a big machine
    i remember seeing a mall looking like the building in this picture
    I wonder why are they being sucked in

  16. I see some people is flying to the sky.

    This reminds me when a big building is burning.

    I wonder why the gigantic men pull the small people into a machine.
